Collection: Leather Outdoor Gear

Casström leather goods are crafted to the highest standards, using ethically-sourced, premium-quality materials. Made with care in Europe, our leather gear hooks, lanyards, and possibles pouches are vegetable-tanned at one of Europe's oldest tanneries, ensuring durability and longevity.

From our hand-stitched leather equipment belt, protective leather wax, and reindeer leather coffee bags, to gear hooks, and leather belt pouches, we have a range to cover your bushcrafting and hiking plans.

Designed for outdoor adventurers, these rugged leather accessories provide reliable protection and easy access to your tools and kit. Built to withstand the elements, Casström leather goods are the perfect durable accessories for any wilderness expedition, backpacking trip, or survival scenario.

*Check out our Leather FAQ in the info links at the bottom of the page.