Leather Goods FAQ

Ethically Sourced Sustainable Leather.

Where does Casström leather come from?

Our leather is sourced from farms in France and Germany where animal welfare and farm working conditions are regulated by the EU.

The leather we use is a by-product of meat or dairy farming. The animals are never raised specifically for leather.

The Casström Swedish Forest Belt with Possibles pouch

How do you tan your leather?

We use vegetable-based tannins, which minimize environmental impact and just as importantly, are better for the tanners as they are not exposed to hazardous chemicals and unhealthy working conditions.


Strong relationships with our tannery and leather factory in Europe guarantee transparency and accountability at every step of the leather manufacturing process.

Trust is important. With Casström leather, you can trust that quality and craftsmanship is combined with a conscientious regard for the rights of workers’ and the environment.