Summer in Lapland is a short season, but it is always vibrant. After a long, dark, winter, Swedes have learnt to enjoy summer to its fullest.
And there is no more a joyful celebration of summer than Midsommar in Sweden!
2.Walk the Kungsleden
The Kungsleden, or "King's Trail" is the longest and most famous hiking trail in Sweden. You can walk small sections - or the whole length!
The scenery is simply stunning and you enjoy views of the highest mountains in Sweden.
3.Roam the forests
One of the special things about living in Sweden is the right of every person to have free and unhindered access to nature.
A Lapland summer would not be the same without Allemansrätten, or the Right to Roam. The freedom to swim in the many lakes, wild camp, make a fire if the conditions allow, pick wild flowers, berries and mushrooms - these are all rights enshrined in the Constitution of the land.